Sunday, January 31, 2010

Operation Slim-Down

My goal for the next few months is to lose a little weight &, more importantly, be healthier. I am thinking/hoping/praying that by writing it down on here I will hold myself to it & get my rear in gear.

It's not going to be easy, because I am a TOTAL foodie. I LOVE food & I LOVE to eat. I did so well the last few months leading up to my wedding. It's pretty depressing to know that I have gained so much weight in the last few months... damn turkey & dressing & Christmas cookies. I HATE that I can't eat whatever I want to & not gain a pound like I did when I was 16. I would seriously come home from school & eat a pint of ice cream... & still fit in my size 4 jeans... skinny BITCH... you make me sick.

I definitely need to lose a little weight before swim suit season, or I don't want a bikini within 10 feet of me.

Things I need to do:

1.) Stop eating CRAP. Seriously. Recently, I have found myself eating stuff I don't even LIKE. How pathetic is that? It's like I just eat whatever is in front of me because I can & that, my friends, is a slippery slope!

2.) Drink more water. All of the coffees & Mountain Dews have really packed it on. I need to be drinking more (calorie free) water. Of course, let's be realistic here, I'm not going to just quit cold turkey. 8 o'clock classes make caffeine necessary, but I think I will start limiting myself to one a day... ugh... just to get up & moving. I apologize in advance, Starbucks, for your stock falling.

3.) Eat more fruits & veggies. Simple as that.

4.) Not eat out as much. We have been pretty good about this lately. We have been going to the grocery store once a week & cooking at the house. Pat on the back for us.. now we just need to keep it up! (Except, of course, our occasional date nights... something every couple should have anyway. :) )

5.) Lay off of the fast food. I know it's bad for me. Everyone knows it's bad for them. Why do we continue to eat it? Because it's easy, fast, cheap, & convenient. I need to start packing a lunch for my long days at school, & just say NO to Mickey D's & the Chic Fila cow... even though I love them & their greasy, empty calorie deliciousness.

6.) Get more sleep. Stop letting Lifetime suck me in to movies at 10 o'clock & turn the tv off.

7.) Start exercising more. Take the dogs for a walk. Take the long route to class. Go for a... ugh... run.


DIET & HEALTHIER LIVING STYLE STARTS ON MONDAY! A good way to kick off the new month. I will be keeping track of my weekly weigh-ins & progress on here, & when I reach my goal-weight... treat myself to a little something nice. ;)

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